Ministry Everywhere

There are a lot of facets to the ministry of Wichita Falls Faith Mission.  Our number one goal is to point men, women and children to Christ and His plan for their lives.  We try to carry this into every area of the organization.  One of those areas is our resale operations. 

At our two stores and warehouse, we strive to be a blessing to this community by taking your donations and reselling them at a fair price so that the proceeds can support our programs and services.  About 30% of our annual budget requirements come from the stores.  But it is about a lot more than the money.  Ministry takes place every day at our resale locations. 

Take Devonte for instance.  He entered our New Beginnings program earlier this year and was assigned to work at the warehouse.  While he was sorting through some clothing donations, our Warehouse Manager, Stetson, struck up a conversation and asked him if he knew who Jesus was. 

Devonte replied that he knew about Jesus but that was about it.  Stetson shared the gospel with him and asked if he wanted to make Jesus Lord and Savior of his life. He said yes.  So right there in a pile of clothes in the back of a trailer, Devonte gave his heart to Jesus. 

I asked him if I could share his story on the radio and he said, “Absolutely.  I want everyone to know.” 

Each student in our New Beginnings program at some point works at one of our locations and when they enter level 3, they begin to earn a paycheck.  During the last 6 months of their program, they become an employee of Faith Resale, they still receive their room and board at one of our shelters and attend classes and Bible studies when they are not working.  All this is designed to prepare them to become self-sufficient after they graduate. 

Don’t be surprised when you are shopping at one of our stores to see someone from our staff praying for someone or just listening.  We are looking for ministry opportunities all around us.  Our resale operations are about so much more than the bottom line.  To us, they are another mission field to share the love of Christ and listen to the stories because after all, every person has a story and every story matters to God. 

